Pat Hutchen's Work Brings Holocaust Victims 'Back to Life'

by Julia Gabriel, CBN News Thursday, the world remembers the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. It was this day in 1945 that the last of Adolf Hitler’s Auschwitz death camps were liberated. The United Nations started International Holocaust Remembrance Day six years ago in response to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, rejecting his denial…

Latest Chapter in Mideast Tension: Mitchell vs. Ross

by NATHAN GUTTMAN, FORWARD —  The Israeli-Palestinian peace process may be near collapse, but the Washington turf wars surrounding it are still going strong, according to sources involved in the negotiations. The administration’s top Middle East hands — special envoy George Mitchell and White House adviser Dennis Ross — are increasingly at loggerheads, these sources…

‘Palestine papers’ bring more embarrassment to Arab leaders

by Sheera Frenkel, Jewish World Review Reaction to a trove of secret documents from Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations was fast and furious Monday, as Palestinians sought to defend or attack their leaders amid allegations that they had offered serious concessions on key issues. In Ramallah, the capital of the Palestinian Authority, a crowd rampaged against the…