Triple play! Obama blows off Congress, funds Palestinians, lies about PA stance on Israel

BY ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, NATIONAL REVIEW— Friday night news dump: President Obama has decided to provide $192 million to the Palestinian Authority despite Congress’s freeze on PA funding after its president, Mahmoud Abbas, attempted to declare statehood unilaterally last September, in violation of the PA’s treaty commitments. Obama’s “waiver” of the restrictions on Congress’s Palestinian…

What the evangelicals give the Jews

BY MICHAEL MEDVED, COMMENTARY— Many Jewish voters this November will find themselves at a crossroads: Will they accept their deep disappointment with Barack Obama and vote for his reelection, or will they overcome their own discomfort with Christian evangelicals and vote for the Republican candidate? The irrepressible argument about the appropriate relationship between the Jewish…

Google autocomplete: Shades of IBM

BY SHOSHANA BRYEN, THE TIMES OF ISRAEL– Readers of Edwin Black’s chilling bestseller “IBM and the Holocaust” know that IBM was collecting data on Jews in Europe for Nazi Germany. Not just names, but whole families structures, addresses, business holdings, bank accounts, occupations, and language skills were tabulated on Hollerith machines. Beginning with census information…