An ally no more

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— With vote tallies in for Egypt’s first round of parliamentary elections in it is abundantly clear that Egypt is on the fast track to becoming a totalitarian Islamic state. The first round of voting took place in Egypt’s most liberal, cosmopolitan cities. And still the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists received…

Iranian end game

BY MICHAEL RUBIN, NATIONAL REVIEW— For almost a third of a century, the Islamic Republic of Iran has confounded American presidents. It has taken hostages, conducted terrorism, undermined the Middle East peace process, and worked unrelentingly to become a nuclear power and develop missiles with global reach. Tehran might frustrate American officials, but its tactics…

New vs. real in the Middle East

BY YORAM ETTINGER— The New Middle East school of thought underlines the political correctness, but undermines the stability of the Real Middle East. This has been verified recently by Western support for the Arab Spring and the “march of democracy,” which has unleashed rampant violence on the Arab street. The New Middle Easterners call for…

B'tayavon: Sweet potato latkes

*Sweet glorious Hanukkah. Who wouldn’t love a holiday that requires you to eat fried food? The normally forbidden donut or French fry is all the sudden–for eight glorious days–the food of the righteous. I can assure you that I remember the Hanukkah miracle better when I really really concentrate on that first bite into a…