UNRWA: The Inconvenient Hoax

By Jim Hutchens Christian Zionists are often criticized for their failure to show any support for Palestinians. In turn we are accused of giving blank-check approval to all that Israel does. In this issue of The Jerusalem Connection we want to set the record straight. First, regarding the Palestinians, we are asserting, along with several…

The Surrender of Allah’s Akbar

By Bill Salus For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth… (Zephaniah 2:11b, NKJV; emphasis added) The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish… (Jeremiah 10:11b NKJV; emphasis added) The Hebrew prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah declared approximately 2600 years ago, that their God Jehovah would someday…

The Birth of Zionism

By Ryan Jones, www.zionist.com Zionism as a concept and an idea of hope has existed for nearly 2,500 years, dating back to the Babylonian Exile. However, the birth of Zionism as a political movement did not take place until 1897. The transformation of Zionism from a mere idea and concept into a very real political…

The birth of Zionism

By Ryan Jones, www.zionist.com Zionism as a concept and an idea of hope has existed for nearly 2,500 years, dating back to the Babylonian Exile. However, the birth of Zionism as a political movement did not take place until 1897. The transformation of Zionism from a mere idea and concept into a very real political…

Israel at 60

by Jim Hutchens This year is Israel’s 60th birthday and, as Yogi Berra would say, “it’s déjà vu all over again.” As I write this the menacing behavior of Iran and Syria and their Jihadist terrorist clients, Hamas and Hezbollah, continues to threaten Israel’s security and very existence. The threat of another war looms large…