Interview with Jim Barfield about The Copper Scroll Project

by Shelley Neese Jim Barfield, a retired fire marshal from Oklahoma, believes he has cracked the code on The Copper Scroll.  Applying his arson investigation skills to the world’s most intriguing antiquities, he has achieved something that for four decades has eluded all other archeological and paleographical experts.  Barfield has shown his research to the Israel…

Change Agent?

by Jim Hutchens As of January 20, 2009, Barack Obama is the new President of the United States. Probably no one has ever attained this office accompanied with higher expectations near superhuman expectations expectations that no mortal can fulfill. President Obama campaigned as the candidate of change. As President, he has committed himself to be…

Humiliation is thy name

By Victor Sharpe, The days pass and Arab aggression grows more blatant and deadly. The world becomes less and less friendly towards the Jewish state, but in turn, the response from Israel’s present leaders – Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni – can be summed up as humiliation piled upon humiliation. Both the…