A new middle eastern religion

by Sarah Honig, sarahhonig.com It’s almost surreal to witness the White House resident and his European counterparts fall all over themselves in recharged alacrity for the “two-state solution.” Do they even remotely believe their own words? Or do they just make obligatory sounds to satisfy the requisites of some bizarre rite? It’s a tad of…

B'tayavon by Shelley Neese

The Jerusalem Connection has added a brand new recipe section to our columns blog!  All the recipes in B’tayavon Shelley collected during her time living and studying in Israel. She claims to have never left a Shabbat dinner without a new recipe in hand!  If you are hankering for some comfort food—Mediterranean style—you have to…

Moonbats against Israel

by Alan Dershowitz, Huffington Post It must be the summer heat but the moonbats seem to be loonier than ever when it comes to Israel and Jews. Oliver Stone urges us to see the positive side of Hitler and Ahmadinejad, while imitating his two heroes by railing against Jewish control of the media. (To his…