The Obama doctrine exposed

By DANIEL GREENFIELD, FRONTPAGE— On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took President Obama to task for his administration’s disastrous handling of American foreign policy, which has had catastrophic consequences — most recently in the form of the heinous attacks against our embassies in Libya and Egypt. To understand what happened in Benghazi or in…

Pomegranate orange juice

Ingredients 16 ounces orange juice 16 ounces pomegranate juice Mint leaves, whole 1 orange, sliced thin Ice cubes Directions 1) Put ice cubes in tall glasses or goblets. 2) Pour the orange juice first to fill the glass halfway.  Then carefully pour the pomegranate juice to fill the top half of the glass. 3) Garnish…

Historic election is upon us

By MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s announcement Tuesday night that new elections will be held early next year set off a predictable flurry of political activity. With the balloting set to be held in just three or four months, Knesset hopefuls face the daunting prospect of trying to get their message out to…