Christian Zionism 101

BY REV. MALCOLM HEDDING, ICEJ— Tens of thousands of churches have a committed belief in the importance of standing with Israel and blessing the Jewish people. The verse most often referred to as their biblical mandate is Genesis 12:3 in which God tells Abraham “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse…

Peace-Traumatic Stress Disorder

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Israel’s leaders appear to have developed a previously unheard-of malady, one so acute it threatens to overwhelm both their mental faculties and common sense. It is what I refer to as “Peace-Traumatic Stress Disorder” (PETS), and its symptoms are fairly easy to discern. Like any anxiety condition, it can be traced…

Just plain wrong

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— News item: In an effort to generate renewed international pressure on Israel to resume the land for peace process with the “Palestinians,” Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas urged the US and other members of the UN Security Council to convince Israel to halt construction in the settlements in order to pave the…

Bibi vs. the Children

BY DAVID RUBIN— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been broadly respected in America as a champion of the biblical heartland, but sadly, it’s time to take a second look. A bill has just been defeated in the Knesset, which would have retroactively legalized several of the younger Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria…