'Abbas looking for way out of UN bid'

BY ELIOR LEVY, YNET— Are the Palestinians having second thoughts about their unilateral bid for statehood? Faced with opposition from the United States, a number of top Palestinian officials are quietly advising President Mahmoud Abbas to drop plans to seek recognition for a state at the United Nations this fall.  Suggested hesitation aside, Palestinian Foreign…

Peace Process, RIP

BY CLIFF MAY, TOWNHALL— When President Obama said last month that “Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with Palestinians who do not recognize its right to exist,” he was referring to Hamas. In its charter, Hamas calls Palestine an “Islamic endowment” and specifically rules out a peaceful solution to the conflict with Israel. Hamas describes…

'Religion of peace'

BY EARL COX— Recently, thousands of Muslims congregated in the downtown streets of London, England, for what they called a “Religion of Peace” demonstration. However, it seems someone forgot to inform the crowds of what they were supposed to be communicating. With all the marching, shouting, signs and placards, there was little “peace” evident anywhere. …