Israel's premier opportunist

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Saying that Israel faces daunting challenges today and that those challenges will multiply and grow in the near future should not be construed as a partisan or ideological statement. Rather, it is a statement of fact. It is also a fact that the greatest dangers facing Israel stem from President Barack…

Christian Zionism in balance

BY MALCOM HEDDING, JPOST— Today, Christian Zionism stirs up all sorts of reactions within the confessing church and sometimes is regarded as extreme or even heretical as a theological position. Those taking this view forget that some of the greatest leaders of the church through history held this position. Indeed, a good case can be…

Norway's challenge

BY JPOST EDITORIAL—  Europe’s fringe right-wing extremists present a real danger to society. But Oslo’s devastating tragedy should not be allowed to be manipulated by those who would cover up the abject failure of multiculturalism. The cold-blooded calculation of the Norway tragedy boggles the mind. For over an hour, Anders Behring Breivik, 32, dressed as…