Wish I'd said that
“What is permanent in the kingdom of God under the Old Testament is PRESUMED in the New.”—David Brown, nineteenth century Bible commentator
“What is permanent in the kingdom of God under the Old Testament is PRESUMED in the New.”—David Brown, nineteenth century Bible commentator
I just found out about an Application in Facebook where you can have The Jersualem Connection’s RSS news feed (all the articles from our blog) automatically posted on your Facebook. You are allowed one RSS feed on your facebook using the “Notes” Application. We realize that since you only get one RSS feed on your Facebook…
BY JPOST— A suspected gas explosion rocked a four-story building in Netanya overnight Thursday, leaving four people dead and at least 50 others injured. The cause of the explosion was initially unknown, but Police officially announced that the explosion was caused by a gas tank or a number of tanks. “This is not a terror…
BY YORAM ETTINGER— President Obama pressures Israel to adopt his initiative, which is based on the 1949 ceasefire lines, including the repartitioning of Jerusalem and land swaps. He implies that Israeli rejection of his initiative would undermine US-Israel relations, while advancing Palestinian maneuvers at the UN. However, Obama lacks the domestic backing to effectively pressure…
BY MICHAEL FREUND, JEWISH PRESS— This month marks the 44th anniversary of one of the most momentous miracles of modern times, when Israel, facing annihilation at the hands of its enemies, emerged triumphant in the 1967 Six-Day War. Existential fear quickly dissolved into breathtaking joy as the Jewish state vanquished its foes, reuniting Jerusalem and…
For the week of June 18, 2011 Torah: Numbers 13:1 — 15:41, “Shelach Lekha” (Send men…) Haftorah: Joshua 2:1 — 24 New Testament: Hebrews 3:7 — 4:1 Gospel: John 5:31 — 47, “Eduti” (My witness…)
BY DEBKAFILE— The final touches on US President Barack Obama’s push to revive Israel-Palestinian negotiations, stalled for nearly two years, are being put in place by his Middle East advisers David Hale and Dennis Ross and the legal adviser to the National Security Council Jonathan Schwartz who arrived in Israel Tuesday, June 14. After talks…
BY ISRAEL TODAY— Popular and controversial American TV personality Glenn Beck has set August 24 as the date for his rally “to restore courage” in Jerusalem. Beck came up with the idea for the rally during his recent surprise visit to Israel to celebrate the 63th anniversary of the rebirth of the Jewish state. The…
In 1995 Congress overwhelmingly passed “The Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act.” According to the Act, it became the policy of the U.S. government to recognize Jerusalem as the united, and undivided capital of Israel. Despite the stand of Congress fifteen years ago, holdouts in the executive branch–both Republican and Democrat–have refused to enact the full provisions…