Victory in Seattle

by Rich Truzpek, Frontpagemag A pro-Palestinian organization’s attempt to spread terrorist-enabling propaganda throughout the streets of Seattle was stopped dead in its tracks yesterday, thanks to quick reaction from outraged citizens and timely intervention by vigilant organizations like the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign had purchased ad space on twelve King…

The wars of 2011

by Caroline Glick, JPost  On Sunday thousands of Israel haters gathered in Istanbul to welcome the Turkish-Hamas terror ship Mavi Marmara to the harbor. Festooned with Palestinian flags, the crowd chanted “Death to Israel,” “Down with Israel” and “Allah akbar” with Hizbullah-like enthusiasm. The Turkish protesters promised to stand on the side of Hamas when…

Holy Travel

Spot Report: Blessed be He! Faith Lessons, Nazareth, Church of the Annunciation Hebrew for the Goyim, with a Christmas theme What does Messiah mean? It is safe to say most people have no idea what messiah means. Many would say Christ is Jesus’ last name. They have little idea that Jesus means “savior” and Christ…

To be a Jew, who decides?

by Daniel Goldstein, Israel Today A current debate that is brewing in the Israeli Knesset is centered on the issue of who should control conversions to Judaism of IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) soldiers, the Chief Rabbi or the State. There are thousands of immigrants (mostly from Russia) that are not considered Jewish according to the…