The New York Times and Israel

by Atty. Elyakim Haetzni, Arutz 7  Well-known columnist Thomas Friedman summed up his recent article, Reality Check, in the New York Times as follows:  “The most important thing President Obama and the Secretary of State…can do now is…to simply get out of the picture…America has to get off the road…”. Putting aside our reservations about…

Jordan: Swift action needed for peace

by AFP Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Wednesday urged “swift action” to help push forward the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, warning against wasting more time, a palace statement said. “Efforts for having serious and effective peace talks should continue, based on a two-state solution, which is the only way to achieve regional stability and security,”…

Where’s that reset button?

by Matthew RJ Brodsky, JPost   With the peace process returning to a deep freeze, the Obama administration is eyeing an opportunity to make headway with Syria. The theory is nothing new: If the regime in Damascus can make peace with Israel, end its sponsorship of terrorist groups such as Hizbullah and Hamas, distance itself from…