Misreading Iran at our Peril

BY ILAN BERMAN— When it comes to the financial markets, it is a rule of thumb that past success is a poor indicator of future performance. Sadly, it turns out, that’s also the case with political science. Take the latest offering from one of the field’s best and brightest. Kenneth N. Waltz, a decorated professor…

Israel advised to brace for Syrian missile attack – conventional or chemical

By DEBKA FILE — As the already unthinkable pace of slaughter in Syria accelerates further, Western military sources warned Saturday, July 14, that not only Israel, but additional strategic targets in Middle East lands deemed enemies by Bashar Assad should prepare for him to launch surface-to-surface missile attacks. The assaults would start out with conventional…

Obama's spectacular failure

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Two weeks ago, in an unofficial inauguration ceremony at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Mursi took off his mask of moderation. Before a crowd of scores of thousands, Mursi pledged to work for the release from US federal prison of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. According to The…

Condi’s Shocking Speech

BY MORTON KLEIN, JEWISH DAILY FORWARD— I’ve heard and read many speeches on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Those made by well-known, hostile critics of Israel always caused me great pain by their use of hyperbole, absurd analogy and falsehoods. But I was not prepared for a speech by an American secretary of state with those very…