Are America’s leaders testing God?

By Earl Cox, Jerusalem Post US Vice President Joe Biden visited Israel last week, supposedly to reassure an increasingly skeptical Israeli population and government that the Obama administration is committed to Israel’s security. It’s not hard to understand why so many Israelis are concerned. Biden’s arrival, however, coincided with the Israeli government’s announcement that it…

Mrs. Clinton's Hissy Fit

By the Washington Times It says a lot when Vice President Joe Biden comes across as the Obama administration’s most skilled statesman. Last week during a visit to Israel, Mr. Biden was caught off-guard by an announcement that work would progress on 1,600 apartment units in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, a Jewish enclave in the…

The 'Two Jerusalems' Myth

By Eli E. Hertz, Palestinians have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems – an Arab ‘East Jerusalem’ and a Jewish ‘West Jerusalem.’  Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem  since 1870, and ‘east-west’ is a geographic, not political designation. It is no different than claiming…