NY celebrates Israel

BY JORDANA HORN– Over 30,000 participants were estimated to have taken part in Sunday’s “Celebrate Israel” parade in New York City, commemorating Israel’s 63rd year of independence with a march up Fifth Avenue from 57th to 74th Streets. The Empire State Building was lit up in blue and white Saturday night as a tribute to…

The real Egyptian revolution

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— The coverage of recent events in Egypt is further proof that Western elites cannot see the forest for the trees. Over the past week, leading newspapers have devoted relatively in-depth coverage to the Egyptian military authorities’ repressive actions in subduing protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo, particularly during their large protest…

Relocate the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem!

Click here and add your virtual signature to our letter to Congress in support of this bill.  This is a historic opportunity! In 1995 Congress overwhelmingly passed “The Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act.” According to the Act, it became the policy of the U.S. government to recognize Jerusalem as the united, and undivided capital of Israel. Despite the…