More clashes erupt in Egypt

BY AP– Several hundred Christians pelted police with rocks outside a Cairo hospital Monday in fresh clashes the day after 24 people died in riots that grew out of a Christian protest against a church attack. Sunday’s sectarian violence was the worst in Egypt since the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February. Egyptian Prime…

In the Sukkah

BY YAEL ZOLDEN, AISH— When the air cooled and the leaves turned, we moved into our sukkah. It was a tiny canvas hut, six feet square with nothing to recommend it. No window, no running water, no heater, no proper door to keep the bugs away. It was a terrible inconvenience really, running back and…

Isolation? What isolation?

BY DANNY AYALON— During the past few months, Israel’s purported growing isolation has been the subject of much discussion. It is far from the truth, and it is ironic that this debate has taken place during an effective Israeli challenge to the long-standing paradigm of the Palestinians using the United Nations as a “rubber stamp”…