Constraining Iran in the Straight

BY ILAN BERMAN, INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE— The past two weeks have seen a dramatic escalation in Iran’s war of words with the West. Last Wednesday, Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi told Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, that new economic pressure currently being contemplated by the West would come at a steep cost. According to Rahimi,…

Hanukkah for Dhimmis

BY BILL LEVINSON— Hanukkah is often called “the Jewish Christmas” because it takes place at about the same time of year. There is in fact a very strong connection between the two holidays; had it not been for the events that Hanukkah commemorates, there would be no Christmas. Hanukkah is about standing up to those…

B'tayavon: Lamb with dried fruit

*Tu B’Shvat (“New Year of the trees”) is one of the minor Jewish holidays. This winter holiday marks when to calculate the agricultural cycle for the purpose of biblical tithes. Each year on Tu B’shvat, Israelis eat a feast of dried fruits in keeping with the “New Year” holiday tradition and celebrating the seasonality of…