Guide to the perplexed

by Caroline B. Glick, JPost   Israel’s leaders are reportedly concerning themselves with one question today: Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order the US military to strike Iran’s nuclear installations before Iran develops a nuclear arsenal? From Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu down the line, Israel’s leaders reportedly raise this…

Israel's anti-Obama

by George Will, Washington Post Two photographs adorn the office of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Together they illuminate a portentous fact: No two leaders of democracies are less alike — in life experiences, temperaments and political philosophies — than Netanyahu, the former commando and fierce nationalist, and Barack Obama, the former professor and post-nationalist.…

Chelmite Trips Over Truth

In a recent interview that appeared on the Jewish Web site Tablet, Israeli President Shimon Peres made several comments about the British. “In England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab,” he said. Peres gave several examples of this historical pro-Arab, anti-Israel bias, noting how England had abstained in the 1947 U.N. Partition Resolution, had…

Video-Triumph of Return

On September 4, 2003, in a large ceremony, the Israeli Air Force flew three f-15 jets over the Auschwitz concentration camp in a show of the Jewish people’s continued strength and triumph over past adversities. During the Holocaust (1939-1945) 6 million Jews were murdered at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. Millions of…

Christian students to defend Israel abroad

by Knesset lobby recruits Christian ‘ambassadors’ to counter pro-Palestinian campaigns against Israel on overseas campuses. ‘When you send a Jewish student, they immediately say he’s not objective,’ explains MK Yoel Hasson In recent years, more and more Israeli politicians lecturing in universities abroad have had to deal with disturbances stirred up by pro-Palestinian students,…