Thirsting for Armageddon?

by Malcolm Hedding Time and time again one hears the accusation that Christians view the restoration of Israel as a stepping stone to the final battle of Armageddon in which countless Jews will perish. Supposedly, this is what motivates Christian Zionists to side with Israel at present, while ultimately wanting to accelerate ‘the end’ and…

Who is Rashad Hussain?

by Cal Thomas President Obama’s appointment of Rashad Hussain, his deputy associate counsel, as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations, charged with safeguarding and protecting “the interests of the Muslim world,” should be of serious concern to Congress and the American public.…

What can Obama do about Iran?

by Ilan Berman and Robert C. McFarlane Los Angeles Times What can the Obama administration do about Iran’s drive to develop nuclear weapons? The president’s informal year-end deadline for a diplomatic resolution to the nuclear impasse with Iran has come and gone. Iran recently announced that it plans to build 10 nuclear fuel plants and…

Sarah Palin's Friendship

By Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post US President Barack Obama is an inept, incompetent leader. More than his failure to pass his domestic agenda on health care and global warming despite his Democratic Party’s control over both houses of Congress, Iran’s announcement on Thursday that it is a nuclear power and has the capacity to produce…