Global March to Jerusalem is a dud

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— It was anticipated that as many as two million Arabs and foreign pro-Palestinian activists would storm Israel’s borders from all sides and infiltrate Jerusalem in order to protest the “Judaization” of the city. Even Israel was taking the threat seriously, and put a large amount of reserve military forces on…

Let's make this clear: Jordan is Palestine

BY MATTHEW HAUSMAN: Arutz 7— Listen, Palestinian Arabs, If you want to march, march on Jordan. The “Jordan-is-Palestine” option for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict is an idea that, despite history and logic, was beaten into silence by Israel’s enemies and detractors.  Critics denounced the concept as preposterous, reactionary and counterproductive. And yet, the idea has…

The error of Balaam

BY DEREK PRINCE (ARCHIVES FROM DEREKPRINCE.ORG)— At first glance it might seem that the story of Balaam, the soothsayer, recorded in Numbers 22–25 has no relevance for today’s Christians. However, the writers of the New Testament refer to Balaam in three separate passages—always with a note of warning. Clearly, therefore, his story contains important lessons…

B'tayavon: Lentil soup

Ingredients 6 cups water 2 16 oz cans stewed, chopped tomatoes 1 lb washed lentils 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp salt Pepper to taste 1 cup carrots, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup celery, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced Directions 1) In a large saucepan, combine lentils, water, tomatoes, bay leaves, salt and pepper.…

Wish I'd said that

“No Jew is at liberty to surrender the right of the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel to exist. No Jewish body is sanctioned to do so. Even all the Jews alive today have no authority to yield any piece of land whatsoever. This right is reserved to the Jewish People throughout the generations.…