Potato kugel

There are more Kugel recipes to be had!  Check out the different variations of this Sabbath classic. Ingredients 6 large potatoes 2 onions, diced 6 eggs ½  cup oil 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper Directions 1) Preheat oven to 400°.  Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish. 2) In a…

Boycott in a Christian Cassock

BY GIULIO MEOTTI, ARUTZ 7— The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s biennial General Assembly at the end of June is expected to vote on a number of resolutions that would divest the Christian denomination from companies that conduct business with Israel, such as Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola. A number of Churches have already pushed for divestiture of…

Syria inching toward civil war

BY KALEN TAYLOR, inContext— The Syrian Army slammed Haffeh with mortars, tanks, and helicopter gunfire yesterday, burning and looting buildings and wounding over 50 rebels. Forced to flee from the heavy fire, anti-government forces withdrew from the town on Wednesday. The conflict also reached the Syrian capital of Damascus yesterday morning as rebels began to…

You cannot leak your way to national security credibility

BY KYLE  SHIDELER, AMERICAN THINKER— President Barack Obama’s campaign strategy, at least as it regards foreign affairs, consists almost entirely of boasting of the various covert operation successes that occurred on his watch, and leaking government secrets to buttress these boasts. This strategy began just days after the successful elimination of arch-terrorist Osama Bin laden…