Hanukah For Jews and Christians

by Michael Zimmerman, American Thinker Hanuka celebrates a spiritual and military victory in Israel nearly 2,200 years ago that has inspired generations of Jews and many Gentiles. A few faithful Jews were victorious over their assimiliationist brethren and the Hellenist Syrians of the Greek-founded Seleucid Empire. The events commemorated by Hanuka were necessary for the…

Why Latin America turned

by Caroline Glick, JPost Israelis can be excused for wondering what happened that Brazil and Argentina unexpectedly announced they recognize an independent Palestinian state with its capital city in Israel’s capital city. Israelis can be forgiven for being taken by surprise by their move and by the prospect that Uruguay, and perhaps Paraguay, Chile, Peru,…

One that calls for a response

Ron Dermer, political advisor to Prime Minister Netanyahu said: “The real key is the American position, and the unequivocal American position opposes any Palestinian attempt to circumvent the direct talks….What is extremely important here is that we are in sync with the Americans. If the Americans will not be a party to such a process,…

WikiLeaks exposes Obama

by Yoram Ettinger While reaffirming a 1,400 years old Muslim track record, the documents refute Obama’s fundamental assumptions, which have shaped his counter-terrorism policy: that the Palestinian issue is a root cause of Middle East turbulence and anti-Western terrorism; that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are allies of the US; that there is no Islamic terrorism…

Hanuka For Jews and Christians

by Michael Zimmerman, American Thinker Hanuka celebrates a spiritual and military victory in Israel nearly 2,200 years ago that has inspired generations of Jews and many Gentiles. A few faithful Jews were victorious over their assimiliationist brethren and the Hellenist Syrians of the Greek-founded Seleucid Empire. The events commemorated by Hanuka were necessary for the…