Abbas – Rewriting Middle East History

BY ELI E. HERTZ, MYTHSANDFACTS.ORT— Response to Abbas editorial at The NY Times, May 17, 2011 ABBAS: In November 1947, the General Assembly made its recommendation and answered in the affirmative. FACT: SIXTY-FOUR years ago, just before Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, Palestinian Arabs launched a series of riots, pillaging, and bloodletting. This was…

Hamas insists: No talks with Israel

BY ELIOR LEVY, YNETNEWS— Hamas spokesman Mahmoud al-Zahar insisted his organization would not negotiate with Israel despite a statement to the contrary made by Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal, the Palestinian paper Al-Quds reported Wednesday.  Mashaal’s statement “does not represent the movement’s official stance, which is based on a plan of resistance and not negotiations”,…

Plants of the Western Wall9

BY MARTHA KRUGER, TRAVELUJAH— Stumbling on a flower growing up out of the sidewalk, have you ever stopped and wondered: “How in the world does a plant grow THERE?!” Imagine then, plants growing between enormous solid bricks, in a wall more than 3 football fields long, more than 5 stories tall (with another 10 stories…