Israeli Initiative Update No. 28

UNRWA is Bad for Israel Recently, UNRWA came out with its first promotional campaign geared towards Israelis.   The online campaign, titled (in Hebrew) “UNRWA: Bad for Extremism,” presents three questions “Israelis have asked” about UNRWA, though clearly they mean The Israeli Initiative.   The first: Does UNRWA perpetuate the refugee problem? Second:  Is UNRWA involved in…

The United States of Islam

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 4, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— In the United States, Islam claims to be the fourth largest religion. Muslims are outnumbered only by Southern Baptist, Roman Catholics and those who practice Judaism. There are more Muslims in the United States than Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, etc. In the near future, there will…

The United States of Islam

ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 4, BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— In the United States, Islam claims to be the fourth largest religion. Muslims are outnumbered only by Southern Baptist, Roman Catholics and those who practice Judaism. There are more Muslims in the United States than Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, etc. In the near future, there will…

It's Inter-Arab Violence, Stupid!

(Reassessment of Middle East Policy) By Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger     Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #233 “Second Thought,” Jerusalem 1. An assessment of the politically-correct Western policy-making, media commentaries and conventional wisdom raises the following questions: *Is the Palestinian issue the crux of Middle East turbulence? *Is the Arab-Israeli conflict the core cause of anti-Western…