Lessons on appeasement

BY CAROLINE GLICK— Five years ago this week, Iran’s Lebanese proxy opened war with Israel. The war lasted 34 days, during which Hezbollah launched more than 4,000 missiles against Israel. Now five years later, under US President Barack Obama, America is pushing a policy that drastically escalates the chance that a new war between Israel…

Why do Jews vote Obama?

BY DAVID RUBIN— In a recent interview, former deputy Secretary of State Elliot Abrams said that President Barack Obama “sees Israel as a problem,” reminding us of the question that won’t go away. It’s a question that is being asked by many a political pundit, and not just on the island of Manhattan or in…

Iran's atomic daydreams

BY GAVRIEL QUEENANN, ARUTZ 7—  Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khameni has ordered the revolutionary guards to “immediately” proceed with the completion of an atomic bomb with hopes of a test in 2012, Iran Press News reports. The order includes testing and arming of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload, according to sources inside the…

Abbas' breaking point

BY ILAN BERMAN, THE NATIONAL INTEREST—July 11, 2011 What could Mahmoud Abbas be thinking? The soft-spoken Palestinian Authority president, now in his seventh year in office, has never been known for the kind of political brinksmanship that characterized the rule of his predecessor, PLO leader Yassir Arafat. And yet, recent months have seen Abbas’s government…