Scripture Reading
Torah: Numbers 25:10 — 30:1 “Pinchas” (Phinehas) Haftorah: I Kings 18:46 — 19:21 New Testament: Romans 11:1-32 Gospel: Matthew 26:17-30 “Brit HaChadesha” (The New Covenant)
Torah: Numbers 25:10 — 30:1 “Pinchas” (Phinehas) Haftorah: I Kings 18:46 — 19:21 New Testament: Romans 11:1-32 Gospel: Matthew 26:17-30 “Brit HaChadesha” (The New Covenant)
BY MEMBERS OF THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL INITIATIVE— The unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, and its international recognition, would be a huge mistake. A peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians is essential, but can be achieved only through honest negotiations – not by one party imposing a unilateral decision. Over the past two years,…
The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world. The following film clip uncovers the factors behind the United Nations bias against Israel. We encourage you to view the clip, forward to friends, and…
BY NITSANA DARSHAN-LEITNER, Esq– Israel Law Center — The New York Supreme Court has just handed down a monumental ruling, holding that a lawsuit brought by Israeli victims of Hamas rocket attacks and suicide bombings can proceed against the Bank of China (“BOC”) in the United States. The civil action brought on behalf of…
BY BOB UNRUH, WND— The executive director of a ministry that works with the persecuted church in the northern reaches of Vietnam says he’s outraged that a “prophecy” by an American preacher apparently cost the lives of many tribal Hmong people who believed it. The prediction by Harold Camping, 89, of Oakland, Calif.-based Family Radio,…
BY JEWISHJOURNAL.COM— A group of dignitaries including a former prime minister and a Nobel Peace Prize winner came to Israel to pledge to fight the Palestinian bid for statehood recognition at the United Nations. The group came as part of the Friends of Israel Initiative, which seeks to rally international support for Israel. Among them…
BY VICTOR SHARPE— Its long past time for the pro-Israel media to cease using self-wounding words and terms such as, “pro-Palestinian activists” or “peace activists” when describing those who are hostile to the Jewish state. Better to simply call those miscreants on board the attempted flotillas, or those attempting to fly to Israel to…
THE ARABS IN PROPHECY, PART 1 BY DR. RICHARD BOOKER— As believers in the one true God (Yahweh), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we understand that God has given us a revelation of Himself in the Bible. One of the things that He self-reveals is that He transcends time and space. This means…
MARK TOOLEY — Institute of Religion & Democracy — Baptists demanding pacifism, trashing Israel and hosting a “drag” prom? These Baptists definitely are not from your grandmother’s church! They are instead The Baptist Peace Fellowship, which is hosting its annual “Peace Camp” July 4-9 of several hundred activists at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.…
BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— On a small island off the coast of Spain, a tragedy that began more than six centuries ago may finally be coming to an end. For the first time since their Jewish ancestors were compelled to convert to Catholicism in the 14th and 15th centuries, the Chuetas of Palma de Mallorca…