Israel: Obama’s secret dealings with Iran conflict with US-Israeli understandings

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report— The fundamental rift on Iran between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu burst into the open Monday, April 16 when high-ranking Israeli officials close to Netanyahu directly accused the president of reneging on the US-Israeli understandings reached ahead of the Istanbul talks between the six powers and Iran…

Synopsis of Change

BY RON JAGER— In an almost desperate bid to counter the emerging historical trend, pro-Palestinian elements recently attempted to change direction and bring the Palestinian Arab issue back to the forefront of the world’s agenda. For the Palestinian leadership, the Arab world has once again abandoned and left the Palestinian Arabs high and dry. The…

Hollywood against Israel

BY GIULIO MEOTTI, YNET— It doesn’t matter that Iran’s ayatollahs just hosted an international conference, attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, against “Hollywood and Satanism” and “Hollywoodism and Zionism.” It doesn’t matter that many blockbusters have been banned in Arab countries, including Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List,” all of Jane Fonda’s films, Paul Newman’s “Exodus” and the…

Christian Zionism and social justice

By MALCOLM HEDDING, JPOST-Christian Edition— Certain segments of Evangelical Christianity are being drawn away from the movement’s traditional support for Israel by those claiming the moral high ground in advocating for “social justice.” Many of these liberal, anti-Israel Evangelicals showed up at the recent “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference in Bethlehem. They invariably view Israel…

Christian Zionism and social justice

By MALCOLM HEDDING, JPOST-Christian Edition— Certain segments of Evangelical Christianity are being drawn away from the movement’s traditional support for Israel by those claiming the moral high ground in advocating for “social justice.” Many of these liberal, anti-Israel Evangelicals showed up at the recent “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference in Bethlehem. They invariably view Israel…