Is the pen mightier than the nuke?

By NOAH BECK, By most measures, fiction writers are a fairly self-indulgent lot: they sit around mulling and forming ideas, converting concepts into stories, refining their drafts, and then hoping that someone — perhaps with enough prodding — takes notice. In most cases, when stacked up against physicians, firefighters, and home builders, it’s hard to…

The Left the Jews and Israel

By ISI LEIBLER,– Robert Wistrich, Hebrew University professor of European and Jewish History and director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of anti-Semitism has just published his 29th book titled “From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews and Israel”. It is an impressive tome of over 600 pages and follows…

Cairo coup another Obama "success"

By JONATHAN TOBIN, COMMENTARY— Last week’s terror attack on Egyptian army troops by jihadists whose ultimate aim was to kill Israelis provoked an unexpectedly harsh reaction from Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. The chaos in the Sinai is the direct result of the revolution that brought down the Mubarak regime. The Hamas government looked to benefit…