How wars begin

by Frank Gaffney Jr., Center for Security Policy In hindsight, it will probably be obvious that the missteps of the Obama administration vis a vis Israel were critical catalysts to a war that today seems ever more likely to engulf the Middle East, and perhaps the world more generally. Assuming such an outcome is neither…

Palestinian refugees used as pawns

by Nicole Brackman and Asaf Romirowsky Since Yasir Arafat’s death in 2004, the cleavages within Palestinian society have become much more apparent. We are witnessing a telling and significant growth in violence between Palestinians — a phenomenon which is notable both for its frequency as well as its obscurity in the mainstream press. Just a…

Joining the Jackals

by Elliott Abrams, The Weekly Standard At the United Nations, a lynch mob for Israel is always just a moment away.  The Islamic countries are a reliable source of venom, led by the Arab bloc; what we used to call the “non-aligned” are all aligned against Israel and happy to join the fun; and the Europeans…

Counterterror Adviser Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam'

By The president’s top counterterrorism adviser on Wednesday called jihad a “legitimate tenet of Islam,” arguing that the term “jihadists” should not be used to describe America’s enemies. During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of “political, economic and social forces,” but said…