Netanyahu had a bad week

By Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu weakened Israel this week. And he did so for no good reason.Thursday’s headlines told the tale. The day after Netanyahu bowed to US pressure and announced a total freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria for ten months, Yediot Ahronot reported that the Obama administration…

Finally, Israel Gets It!

By Joseph Farah, For more than five years, I have been conspicuously alone in pointing out the racist, anti-Jewish nature of policies that require the evacuation of Israelis from Gaza, Judea and Samaria and, more lately, the halts on building and repairing homes and businesses owned by Jews in Jerusalem. Finally, someone in Israel…

About the writers

Jim Hutchens Dr. James M. Hutchens is a man on a mission for Israel–a mission to make God’s purposes for Israel and the Jewish people an unavoidable issue. As President of The Jerusalem Connection, International and Editor of The Jerusalem Connection Report, he is on the forward edge of the battle area of informing, educating…