Prisoners deported under Shalit deal arrive in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Qatar

BY AVI ISSACHAROFF, HAARETZ— Forty-two released Palestinian prisoners arrived in Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Qatar on Tuesday after being set free as part of a prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. The prisoners are considered the most notorious of 1,027 Palestinians and Israeli Arabs being released by Israel in exchange for abducted Israel Defense…

The Hamas Factor

BY SAMARA GREENBERG, JEWISH POLICY CENTER— Last month’s Palestinian Authority (PA) ploy at the United Nations to gain recognition of statehood represents the continuing Palestinian strategy to avoid negotiating a peace agreement with Israel. While it would be unfortunate and unhelpful to reward bad behavior, there is an even more fundamental reason why members of…

Saying No To 'Palestine'

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JEWISH PRESS— As the Palestinians press forward in international forums with their plans for statehood, a growing chorus of countries has expressed support for the move. Defying history, logic and reason, much of the world has made clear that it would like to see a state of Palestine arise alongside Israel. And…

The Gilad Shalit dilemma

BY JEROLD S. AUERBACH, AMERICAN THINKER— In Haifa eight years ago, Asaf Zur was returning home from school.  Along the way, his fellow bus passenger, a Hamas suicide bomber, blew himself up and killed seventeen Israelis, mostly school children like 17-year-old Asaf. The  bomb belt worn by the terrorist was made by Mawaz Abu Sharach…