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As many of our readers know, The Jerusalem Connection actively supports pro-life efforts in Israel through our ministry, “Operation Life for Israel.” What may be less known is the very serious abortion crisis Israel faces today.
In 1977, Israel passed a law to ensure a woman the right to a free or low-cost abortion. Since then, elective abortion has become a widely accepted practice. Israel’s yearly average of abortions is up to 50,000, half of these are conducted in illegal and unregulated clinics.
One reason for Israel’s high abortion rate is because, in contrast to America, the pro-life movement has been very weak. Many Orthodox Jews believe abortion is forbidden according to scripture, but there has been no unified political response. The orthodox Shas party tried to pass bills criminalizing abortion but achieved no more than a brief reopening of the abortion debate. The Jerusalem Connection’s pro-life partner organization, Be’ad Chaim, is emerging as the primary and most forthright pro-life voices in Israel. Be’ad Chaim is a messianic Jewish organization staffed by solid believers.
These pro-life organizations have been assisting expectant and new mothers for over thirty-five years. Their holistic approach in offering support to pregnant women is based on the belief that too often abortion seems like a woman’s only choice. This may result from her socio-economic problems or because of a lack of information about abortion and its alternatives. To combat these tragic tendencies, they have a variety of programs and a twenty-four hour hotline to provide women with the information they need to make informed decisions and to relieve the social and financial pressure pregnant women face.
Israel’s pro-life organizations have an approach in educating women that is proactive and preemptive. To raise public awareness, they are active on social media and on the ground, spreading medical facts about abortion and the involved moral principles. These resources clarify the physical and psychological consequences of abortion. In addition to the publications, they also hold public lectures and media presentations on pregnancy and parenthood. Crisis pregnancy centers have been established all over the country where volunteer teams of doctors, psychologists, social workers, and rabbis are readily available to answer questions and provide counsel.
Their efforts have seen thousands of women every year make informed decisions to have their babies despite financial and social stress. For these mothers and their children, the organizations provide all their primary needs. The first year the women receive a monthly allowance, food stipend, and regular supply of diapers. They also are equipped with necessary baby equipment: cribs, bassinets, strollers, clothes, and bottles. Most importantly, there are thousands of pro-life volunteers that create a vital system of social and moral support.
Because of The Jerusalem Connection’s commitment to be pro-active instruments of God’s love for Israel and all Jewish people (including the unborn), we have partnered with Be’ad Chaim.
As of January 2023, since Be’ad Chaim’s founding in 2006, 3725 babies have been assisted through the Operation Moses program. The first of these children are teenagers—15 years old—fast-approaching adulthood! How much of a blessing are their lives to Israel and the world? Immeasurable, I am sure!
Well over 1000 women and their babies were helped within the last year. That number grows, exponentially, each and every year. After the bus and billboard campaign in 2022 that The Jerusalem Connection assisted with last year, the number of women calling the hotline and receiving counseling, choosing life, and receiving aid has doubled! With this enormous blessing, Be’ad Chaim had to open an office, hire additional staff, and opened a maternity house. The organization is now so well known that many consider it a household name. The news is circulating that aid for women with unplanned pregnancies can find resources and counseling. Feedback includes the fact that the organization is well-known throughout the military and among women of ages and walks of life.
Interestingly, nearly 50% of the women assisted are married with children already. The economic pressures in Israel are adversely affecting life itself. We can help overcome temporary material hardships that would otherwise lead women to consider the unthinkable—to end their pregnancy, to end the life of their son or daughter, just because they fear they cannot afford diapers while continuing to feed their families.
Currently, 1000 babies with an additional 200 pregnant women are in the Operation Moses program. The inflationary factors plaguing the world are also causing the costs of helping mothers and their babies to rise. Operation Moses’ child sponsoring program has increased $15 a month (or $180 per year) from $1800 per year per child to $1980. We can fill that gap, easily! Please consider a recurring donation that directly aids a mother with needed supplies such as diapers, baby food, and other baby items. Such simple, temporal things can mean the difference between life and death. The most common reason Israeli women have when considering an abortion is financial need. We can fill that need!