Words have Consequences: ‘West Bank vs Judea and Samaria

There is much here that students in America’s Universities would do well to read. By Victor Sharpe When did it become an accepted truism that peace between Israel and the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians requires that Israel give to them its very own Biblical birthright in the ancestral and Biblical Jewish heartland? When did…


Red Alert: How is “Chaim” Contagious? When it participates in the fulfillment of God’s Word

Join us to hear the latest updates from our dear friend, and returning guest, Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center (ARC). Chaim is also an IDF Sergeant Major within a special forces unit. Chaim’s perspective on life in Israel, as an Israeli via Alyiah himself, as a resident of Galilee, and as a participant…


Red Alert: Antisemitism in US Schools, What can you do?

By Amy Zewe Join us to hear this informative interview with Educational Specialist, Rebecca Schgallis. Rebecca is currently part of CAMERA Education Institute. (CAMERA is the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis). Rebecca is on the front lines of defending Jewish families and students, documenting and prompting change, and developing curriculum resources…


Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 16:44-63

By Shelley Nese Subscribe to Bible Fiber on Youtube or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian organization devoted to…


Bible Fiber: Conversation with Dr. Chris McKinney before he leaves for Israel

Welcome to Bible Fiber! We are taking a break today from our Ezekiel deep dive to catch another archaeologist before he sets off for a summer expedition in Israel. Today’s guest is Chris McKinny. Chris has his PhD from Bar Ilan University in Israel. His dissertation focused on the historical geography and archaeology of the…


Red Alert: What to Pray when you Pray for Israel…

What to Pray when you Pray for Israel… Imagine what was once your quiet and peaceful home or workplace suddenly being bombarded with screeching siren noises and bellowing voices screaming lies about you and your family—right outside your front door. Imagine strangers coming into your neighborhood with horrible images of violence and shouting to all…
