American Jewish liberals have lost the plot

By Isi Leibler, Israel Hayom— Throughout the 2,000 years of Jews living in the Diaspora, there has been no precedent ‎comparable to the behavior of major liberal mainstream sectors of the American Jewish ‎community. They are undermining themselves and provoking massive waves of resentment ‎from Americans, many of whom were favorably disposed towards them.‎ The…


Tidal wave of UN resolutions against Israel

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— The United Nations will vote next week to allocate funds, implementing a resolution for a “blacklist” of companies operating directly or indirectly in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, and East Jerusalem. This motion, passed in March with no opposing votes, only targets businesses owned by Jewish Israelis. Israel’s UN Ambassador,…


Netanyahu: Trump support for Israel very clear

By Jeff Poor, Breitbart— In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” set to air Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told network correspondent Leslie Stahl he believed President-elect Donald Trump would be a supporter of both Israel and the Jewish people. “I know Donald Trump,” Netanyahu said. “I know him very well. And I think…


Syria Is Training Ground For Hezbollah’s Next War With Israel

By ProphecyNewsWatch— Arab language media is reporting that fighter planes from the Israeli Defense Forces have attacked a Syrian military airport in Damascus as well as Hezbollah targets near the capital which killed and injured a number of fighters in the Shiite militia. The moves come after Prime Minister Netanyahu previously had announced in April…


Keith Ellison should be DNC chair because of his views on Israel

By Abraham H. Miller/ Haim Saban is wrong when he says Minnesota’s U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is unqualified to head the Democratic National Committee. Ellison’s anti-Israel and anti-Semitic lineages do not disqualify him from the position. They more than qualify him. It is Ellison, not Saban—the Israeli-American mega-donor to both the Democratic Party and pro-Israel…


Will Trump and Netanyahu Make the America-Israel Relationship Great Again?

By Lee Smith, Tablet Mag— Though some Americans may not want to hear it, the election of Donald Trump has changed Israel’s strategic situation dramatically for the better. Prepared to deal with what was presumably a somewhat friendlier version of the Obama administration run by Hillary Clinton, Jerusalem is now looking at what may be…


The Grand Canyon Between Islam and Christianity

By Charles Gardner, Israel Today— The god of Islam is most definitely not the same as the God worshipped by Christians and Jews. That is the no-nonsense conclusion of Sam Solomon’s new book, Not the Same God (Wilberforce Publications), dedicated to tackling a thorny theological issue which has left many confused and misguided. A number…


Anti-Semitism awareness bill passes Senate

By Colleen Flaherty, InsideHigherEd— The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which seeks to adopt the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism so that the Education Department may consider it in investigating reports of religiously motivated campus crimes. The State Department defines anti-Semitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be…


Michael Flynn and what he means for Trump’s foreign policy

By Caroline Glick, JPost— In the U.S. and around world, people are anxiously awaiting US President-elect Donald Trump’s announcement of his choice to serve as secretary of state. There is no doubt that Trump’s choice for the position will tell us a great deal about the direction his foreign policy is likely to take. But…


President Trump will be great for Israel

By Gary Bauer— Many Americans are wondering what a Trump presidency will mean for America’s relationship with Israel. I’d like to break through the media chatter and innuendo and offer some clarity. Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump made it clear that he supports the Israeli people and Israel’s right to exist as a safe and…


83 percent of Israelis see Trump as pro-Israel leader but only 3 percent think he will move the embassy

By Abra Forman, BIN— An overwhelming majority of Israelis – 83 percent – believe President-elect Donald Trump will be a pro-Israel leader, found a recent poll released by the Ruderman Family Foundation on Monday, despite the fact that most do not expect him to fulfill his campaign promise of moving the American embassy from Tel…
