Video: Is the end of Bibi the end of Israel?? Pod for Israel with Dr. Erez Soref

Some leaders are saying this new Israeli government will destroy Israel completely! Sadly even a christian ministry leader jumped in the fray cursing the proposed new prime minister Naftali Bennett promising to fight against the new government with all his might. But what’s really at stake here? Is there an Islamist or left wing takeover…


Israel’s New Government Is Among the Most Diverse in the History of Democracies

By Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute— I challenge anyone to name a parliamentary democracy that has had a more diverse coalition government — racially, religiously, ethnically, ideologically, politically, national origin — than the current Israeli government. It includes people of nearly every color from Black Ethiopians to brown Muslims to swarthy Sephardim to pale Russians.…


ICC prosecutor went after Israeli settlements, but not Cyprus

By Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post— Former International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda broke her commitment to decide the case of the Turkish settlements occupation of Northern Cyprus before leaving office Wednesday, despite publicly committing to do so, and going after Israel as early as late 2019. Amid the all-important ICC debate about whether Israeli…


Red Alert: When do labels and leaders hide or propel antisemitism?

By Amy Zewe— We are seeing some new twists in the uptick of antisemitism by many factions. Certainly, we have been identifying and calling out actions and rhetoric by particular groups such as Black Live Matter BLM (not the notion that race discrimination isn’t real, exists and needs attention, but the actual group or affiliation…


Public Security Minister: Flag March will be held tomorrow in our eternal capital

By Israel National News— Public Security Minister Amar Bar-Lev (Labor) clarified Monday afternoon that the Jerusalem Flag March would take place in Jerusalem tomorrow in accordance with the outline approved by the police. “The flag march will take place, this is the plan,” Bar-Lev said at the beginning of the Labor Party meeting. As for…


Bennett-Netanyahu handover meeting lasts only 25 minutes

By Gill Hoffman, Jerusalem Post— The transition meeting of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem on Monday lasted only 25 minutes. No further meetings are planned between them. Netanyahu declined to take part in the traditional transition ceremony, and the brief meeting took place behind…


To Biden Administration: Record of Iran’s Top “Moderate” Mullah

By Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute— Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has long been labeled in the West a “moderate” or “diplomatic sheikh” who will change the Iranian regime for the better. The Obama administration reached a deal with the Rouhani’s administration and lifted sanctions against the Iranian regime; and now the Biden administration is forging ahead…


Is Egypt planning to retake control of the Gaza Strip?

By Khaled Abu Toameh, JPost— Scenes of dozens of Egyptian bulldozers, cranes and trucks entering the Gaza Strip last Friday have left some Palestinians wondering whether Egypt is planning to return to the coastal enclave it ruled between 1948 and 1967. The Egyptian decision to send building equipment and engineers to the Gaza Strip came…


Dead Sea Scrolls: 2,000 years ago Jews used biblical ‘paperbacks’

By Rossella Tercatin, JPost— Some 2,000 years ago, Jews used formal beautifully written biblical manuscripts for public reading, but also informal and sloppily written biblical texts for personal use, new research on the Dead Sea Scrolls has shown. In addition, some of the scrolls might be more ancient than previously thought, suggesting that the current…


Swearing-in of Bennett-Lapid gov’t that would replace Netanyahu set for Sunday

By Michael Bachner, Times of Israel— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks set to end his 12 consecutive years in power in five days, as Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin announced Tuesday that a vote would be held on swearing in the new “change government” during a special parliamentary session on Sunday, a day before the deadline…


Will Mike Evans’s verbal salvo damage Christian and Jewish relationships?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, All Israel News— I am writing today with some trepidation. When I express my opinions, I try to do so honestly yet diplomatically without name-calling or negative adjectives. However, I am now compelled as a respectful supporter of Israel to add my perspective on Mike Evans comments this past week. Evans…
