Quartet to push new negotiations

BY REUTERS— Diplomats from the international Quartet – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – announced this week that they plan a new effort to push negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The PA walked away from talks with Israel in late 2010, demanding that Israel freeze all Jewish…


'Arab unrest signals Messiah's coming'

BY KOBI NAHSHONI, YNETNEWS Prominent rabbis from the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox sector have offered their own curious interpretations for the upheaval that is spreading through the Middle East, stating that the events are a clear proof that a higher power is at work. The cellular portal Haredim, which offered a collection of responses on the matter,…


Israel debates 'End Times' as Arab world revolts

RYAN JONES, Israel Today Magazine —  Using language that mirrors that of “end times” prophecy debates in the Christian world, Israelis are increasingly wondering what the mounting turmoil in the Middle East is ultimately leading to. A number of prominent rabbis have come forward with their interpretations of what is going on, and the casual…


PM on Beersheba attack: 'No one should test our resolve'

BY JPOST Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday commented on the firing of a Grad rocket on Beersheba late Wednesday, saying, “I do not recommend that anyone test Israel’s determination. We will not tolerate anyone bombing us. This is something that no country in the world would agree to and we will act accordingly.” Two…


Why Israel worries about Jordan

BY ASAF ROMIROWSKY, NATIONAL INTEREST— Along with much of the rest of the Middle East, Amman is facing a rising tide of anti-government fervor. The Jordanian monarchy is under increasing pressure. After the fall of the Mubarak regime, the Israelis are worried that yet another peace partner could collapse. In Amman, leaders of the Jordanian…


Rescued Chilean Miners Making Pilgrimage to the Holy Land this Week

BY TRAVELUJAH.COM— The rescue of the miners in Chile galvanized the world as it was broadcast live on news networks last year, keeping viewers at the edge of their seats until all 33 men trapped underground for more than two months were lifted to freedom. Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera said at the time that the…


Iranian Ships Pass through Suez; First Time Since 1979

BY ISRAEL PROJECT— For the first time since Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979, two Iranian ships crossed through Egypt’s Suez Canal on Tuesday. The international shipping waterway connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. Iranian officials say the ships are headed to Syria and the Mediterranean for a year-long naval training mission, the BBC…


How Pro-Israel is Obama? Assessing the Post-Veto Fallout

BY JONATHAN S. TOBIN— For the past two years the hottest debate in the pro-Israel community has been over how to assess the Obama administration. Despite the tense relationship with the Israeli government, the fights picked over building in Jerusalem and the pressure for a settlement freeze, there has been a considerable body of opinion that…


Who and What's behind the popular uprisings?

By DAVID ESHEL, Defense Update —  The Muslim Brotherhood’s Clever Disguise  Mass social movements are normally instigated, or even directed by key players, often operating behind the scenes, but directing manifestations with very specific goals and intentions in mind. Of course the quick response from most of the media reports is, that the people of Tunis,…


The Koolaid of Interfaith Dialogue and the Clergy that Drinks It

By RACHEL  LIPSKY, Pajamasmedia — We’re Losing the Battle Against Islamism. Where is the principled leadership among Jewish and Christian clergy? One positive outcome to draw from Egypt’s crisis is the public’s elevated awareness about the Muslim Brotherhood. It is now clearer to many that the Brotherhood’s members are exploiting our open societies and political system right here…


See who likes Israel more than the Jews!

By BOB UNRUH, WORLDNETDAILY.COM— A new survey reveals literally hundreds of millions of Americans have a strong affinity for Israel and believe the U.S. should intervene if Israel is attacked by Iran. The poll for WND by Wenzel Strategies also documents that Christians, especially those who describe themselves as born-again believers, largely hold stronger feelings…


The burden against Egypt

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— Politicians and journalists have not been alone in scrambling to respond to the Egyptian revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak a week ago. Leading Christian voices, too, have been throwing their understandings into the ring, directing their constituents to pray into the situation as Egypt moves towards the establishment of a new political…
