The legacy of a teetering peace

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— One of the first casualties of the Egyptian revolution may very well be Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian public’s overwhelming animus towards Jews renders it politically impossible for any Egyptian leader to come out in support of the treaty. Over the weekend, the junta now ruling Egypt refused to…


The Philadelphi Corridor: Take it back, Israel, and soon.

BY VICTOR SHARPE— Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak has been forced to resign and a new and temporary military regime installed. Mubarak was a dictator, which in the Arab and Muslim world is par for the course. Some believe the 83 year old has billions stashed away. That, too, is not uncommon. Arafat stole vast sums…


Christian leaders visit Israel in big show of support

BY NICOLE JANSEZIAN, TRAVELUJAH In a big boost to Israeli tourism, hundreds of Christians with several leading pastors and politicians from the United States visited Israel this month to tour the Holy Land and to meet with key leaders including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres. These visitors help continue the trend of…


Spot Report: 25th anniversary of Sharansky's aliyah

Think on This:  “He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart.”  (Psalms 15:2) Pray on This:  Heavenly Father, Thank You for liberating the imprisoned.  “Baruch matir asirim.” *Shelley Neese is the vice president of The Jerusalem Connection. Click here for her articles and videos.


Egypt military promises to abide by Israel peace deal

BY ASSOCIATED PRESS— Egypt’s military rulers have promised the country will abide by its international agreements, a nod to allay concerns that Egypt’s peace deal with Israel could be threatened following the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The military has also asked the current government, appointed by Mubarak, to continue operating until a new…


As the lies come crashing down

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— In the midst of the political turmoil engulfing Egypt and much of the Arab world, last month’s revelation that Pakistan has doubled the size of its nuclear arsenal over the past four years has been largely ignored. Nuclear proliferation analysts from the Federation of American Scientists and the Institute for Science…


Facebook page urges Gazans to topple Hamas government

BY EMET REPORT A Facebook page created by anonymous people is calling on Palestinians to take part in mass protest against Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Friday. The page, titled Honor Revolution (Thauret al-Karama in Arabic), urges Gazans to take to the street after Muslim Friday prayers to topple the de-facto government of the…


Can Obama maintain his Egypt tightrope act?

BY HOWARD LAFRANCHI, CSMONTIOR— The Obama administration is trying to maintain the balancing act it has pursued in Egypt, between political transition and stability, but a shaking tightrope — events on the ground — is raising questions about whether the current approach is tenable. A growing number of voices in the foreign policy community, find…


Riding the tiger of Jew Hate

BY DAVID ISAAC, SHMUELKATZ.COM “Notwithstanding all internal feuds, rivalries, even mutual bloodletting, that have always marked inter-Arab relations, notwithstanding differences in nuances and in tactics, the destruction of the Jewish State remains the common ambition of all the Arab states.” — Shmuel Katz, (“Mutuality of Interests” (The Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 1983) “At the moment,…
