How the Resurrection Broke Eden’s Curse

By J. Lee Grady, Charisma Sin began in a garden. Thousands of years later, Jesus Christ stood in another garden and announced His ultimate victory. The Easter story has many amazing scenes: Jesus’ last Passover meal with His disciples, His arrest and brutal scourging, His crucifixion between two criminals, and the dramatic darkness that fell…


Passover and the Bride Price

By Jim Barfield and Jared Sturgill The bible tells us that there are seven feasts and festivals that God gave to mankind.  You can find the listing of these festivals in Leviticus chapter twenty-three.  The festivals are as follows: Passover, Unleavened bread, Pentecost, Feast of trumpets, Day of atonement, Feast of tabernacles, and the Sabbath. …


New World’s Record for Chutzpah: Obama’s Seder

By Jonathan Tobin,  Some 19 years ago, the first president Bush earned the enmity of American Jews with his rant about being “one lone guy” standing up against the horde of AIPAC activists exercising their constitutional right to petition Congress. Bush’s statement symbolized the intolerance and enmity that his administration felt toward Israel and…


Where Do Jews and Christians on the Left Get Their Values?

By Dennis Prager Many Americans find it difficult to understand why Jews on the Left — including many who would call themselves “liberal” rather than “Left” — continued to enthusiastically support President Obama after the revelations about the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish views of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the religious mentor and close friend of Obama.…


Why wasn't Obama photographed with Netanyahu?

By Natasha Mozgavaya, Haaretz Correspondent   The White House has waved off suggestions that President Barak Obama was “embarrassed” to be photographed with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, amid questions over the minimal media coverage of their meeting in Washington this week. “We were very comfortable with the coverage for last night’s meeting,” said White House…
