Why Koreans study the Talmud

BY TZODIA HIRSCHFELD, YNET— Almost every house in South Korea has a translated Talmud. Moreover, the South Koreans have made the collection of ancient rabbinic writings on Jewish civil and religious law part of their school curriculum’s compulsory literature.  But unlike Israel, even Korean mothers study it and read from it to their young children.…


Fatah Gets to the Root of the Matter

BY HILLEL FENDEL, ARUTZ 7— It turns out that the Fatah movement realizes that the international treaty signed at San Remo in 1920 grants internationally-accepted Jewish national rights in the Holy Land. The WAFA news agency of the Palestinian Authority recently reported that Fatah issued a 25th anniversary statement proclaiming that the San Remo Conference…


Hamas-Fatah Deal Exposes the West's Fantasy of Palestinian Moderation

BY LEE SMITH, TABLETMAG.COM— With Osama Bin Laden now in the bag, a triumphant President Barack Obama will be searching for new promises to keep—like clinching the comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace treaty that he promised the world during his first two years in office. And since any lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians must…


Iran's Ahmadinejad survives worst storm of his presidency

BY SCOTT PETERSON— Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has survived one of the most turbulent political storms of his seven-year presidency, a stand-off with Iran’s supreme religious leader that caused some to believe he would be impeached or forced to resign as early as this past weekend. But Mr. Ahmadinejad arrived in Istanbul for an international…


Apologizing for the Inquisition

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Last week, the Mediterranean resort city of Palma de Mallorca, Spain, was the scene of a remarkable historical event. After centuries of denial, a Spanish regional government condemned the Inquisition, and its persecution of Jews who had been forcibly converted to Catholicism. At a special ceremony, Frances Antich Oliver, president of…


Video: Commemorating the Fogel Massacre in Itamar

The Itamar Yeshiva is building and expanding in memory of the Fogel family murdered by terrorits. Arutz Sheva presents the emotionally stirring video.   This battlefield is small in scope with little impact on the main thrust of the war. The Berbers are a small, scantily armed fighting force and government forces avoid taking them on,…


Half of Democratic Senators urge P.A. aid cut-off

BY JTA— Half the Democratic caucus in the U.S. Senate urged President Obama to suspend assistance to the Palestinian Authority unless Hamas recognizes Israel and renounces terrorism. “It is imperative for you to make clear to President Abbas that Palestinian Authority participation in a unity government with an unreformed Hamas will jeopardize its relationship with…
