Relinquishing Joseph's Tomb was supposed to be temporary

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Earlier this week, an incident occurred that should have provoked outrage across the civilized world. In an act of wanton slaughter, Palestinian policemen opened fire at a convoy of Jewish worshipers near Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus on Sunday. The men had just recited morning prayers at the Jewish holy site in…


The Munich Three Find Their Target: Israel

BY KENNETH LEVIN, FRONTPAGMAG— In 1938, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany met in Munich to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was not invited. The three conferees agreed to strip the targeted nation of the Sudetenland, whose population consisted largely of ethnic Germans, and transfer that territory to German control. This deprived the…


Fatah and Hamas make peace

BY JOEL GREENBERG, WASHINGTON POST— The rival Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas initialed an agreement Wednesday to end a four-year rift that had left the Palestinians divided between separate governments in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, officials on both sides said. The agreement negotiated secretly in Cairo provides for a transitional unity government, including…


PM says Israel must stop Gaza flotilla

BY JPOST— Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu instructed the Foreign Ministry and Navy on Wednesday to continue efforts to stop a new flotilla from smuggling weapons to Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu met with the security cabinet earlier Wednesday to discuss the upcoming flotilla from Turkey and the possibility of Nakba Day protests. Earlier this month, Jerusalem’s…


Amid brutal crackdown, Syria poised to join UN Human Rights Council

BY HOWARD LAFRANCHI—  Massacring dozens of its own citizens one day — elected to the United Nations’ top human rights group the next? That’s the trajectory Syria is on, meaning that the once-dependably stable but now-bloodied domain of President Bashar al-Assad could join the United States and 45 other countries on the UN Human Rights…


Exposing Iran's End Times Vision

BY RYAN MAURO, FRONTPAGEMAG— Reza Kahlili, a former member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps who spied for the CIA, obtained and released a secret documentary produced by the Iranian regime last month that claimed that President Ahmadinejad, Supreme Leader Khamenei and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah are the incarnations of prophesied figures. Their religious command…


Netanyahu: PA must take severe steps against killers of Ben-Joseph Livnat

BY NIR HASSON, CHAIM LEVINSON, MAZAL MUALEM, HAARETZ— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly condemned Sunday the “atrocious” killing of Ben-Joseph Livnat, a 25-year-old father of four and nephew of Culture and Science Minister Limor Livnat in the West Bank, urging the Palestinian Authority to bring those responsible to justice. Palestinian security forces opened fire early…


Revisiting the Jordan Option

BY ASAF ROMIROWSKY, YNETNEWS— Amid the unrest now sweeping the Middle East, Israeli government and security officials are quietly discussing an unusual strategy that would pass the Palestinians’ political future off to Jordan. With the odds of a negotiated two-state solution at an all-time low, former Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Knesset Member Arieh Eldad, and…


Obama's altruistic foreign policy

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— If only in the interest of intellectual hygiene, it would be refreshing if the Obama administration would stop ascribing moral impetuses to its foreign policy. Today US forces are engaged in a slowly escalating war on behalf of al Qaida-penetrated anti-regime forces in Libya. It is difficult to know the significance…
