Scripture Reading for February 14, 2015
Torah: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18, “Mishpateem” (Judgments … ) Haftorah: II Kings 12:1 – 17 New Testament: Colosians 1:15- 20 Gospel: Matthew 17:1 – 11, “Histanah” (He was transfigured …)
DetailsTorah: Exodus 21:1 – 24:18, “Mishpateem” (Judgments … ) Haftorah: II Kings 12:1 – 17 New Testament: Colosians 1:15- 20 Gospel: Matthew 17:1 – 11, “Histanah” (He was transfigured …)
DetailsBy ISRAEL TODAY— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday released a statement explaining that he intends to go ahead with a contentious address to the US Senate on March 3 in order to dissuade the Obama Administration from negotiating with Iran a nuclear agreement that would endanger the Jewish state. “I am going to the…
DetailsBy FRANCINE KLAGSBRUN, JEWISH WEEK— ‘Picture the sudden change it was for him, without knowing how to read or write or even speak the language,” my father wrote in a memoir about his father’s coming to America from Russia in 1910. “They were the brave, the daring, the pioneers … our parents.” Through the ages,…
DetailsBy DAVID RUBIN— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to the joint houses of Congress has stirred up an unprecedented political storm in both Washington and Jerusalem, but there are several positive developments that are being overlooked by the media. I have always emphasized that in the muddy world of politics, in which evasion…
DetailsBy TIMES OF ISRAEL AND JTA— The right-wing Zionist Organization of America suggested Monday that some American-Jewish groups’ behavior surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned address to Congress is similar to that of the “Jewish leaders of the 1930s,” in reference to the lack of unity and organization in the American-Jewish community in the years…
DetailsBy ARI SOFFER, ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS-— A British Christian minister with a long record of online anti-Semitism has been handed an ultimatum to stop speaking or writing about the Middle East conflict or lose his job. In a highly unusual move, the Church of England has also banned Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer from using social…
DetailsBy STUART WINER, TIMES OF ISRAEL— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Sunday he would continue to try to defeat an expected agreement between the US and Iran over the latter’s nuclear development program as Washington predicted a handshake on the matter in the coming weeks. “The powers and Iran are racing forward with an…
DetailsBy LOUIS RENE BERES— Credo quia absurdum. “I believe because it is absurd.” Plainly, a Palestinian state – any Palestinian state – would directly benefit anti-American terrorists. Why, then, does the President of the United States effectively support a prospectively Jihadist “Palestine,” and simultaneously make war against Islamic State (ISIS)? In Washington, the issues of…
DetailsBy Dr Inna Rogatchi– On February 7th, 2015, a peculiar exhibition has been opened at the Tartu Art Museum in Estonia, – My Poland: Remembering and Forgetting. The exhibition which is set to last until the end of March, is declared by the organisers as a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of…
DetailsBy Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director International Christian Zionist Center— How can people continue to insist – in the face of the recent wave of awful massacres, inhumane terrorist attacks etc that have without exception been perpetrated in the name of Allah and ISLAM – that the religion of ISLAM is itself peaceful and that…
DetailsThink on this: “Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ….”His purpose…
DetailsBy RON JAGER— The fundamental fabrication and rejection of historical, political, and religious truths about the Palestinian Arabs has created a universal discourse inflicted with intellectual myopia enabling the majority of Islamic nations of the world to violate basic human rights of their own people. The nowadays almost automatic acceptance of legitimizing the rejection of…
DetailsBy KHALED ABU TOAMEH, GATESTONE— The Palestinian Fatah faction, whose leaders are supposed to be working toward preparing Palestinians for an independent Palestinian state, is currently embroiled in a bitter and violent power struggle between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his major rival, Mohamed Dahlan. This is a power struggle, however, that casts doubts…
DetailsBy ARI YASHAR, ARUTZ 7— “Hamas has taken over UC Davis” wrote a student senator, after anti-Israel activists at the University of California, Davis, shouted “Allahu akbar” (Allah is greater) at Jewish students during a vote to boycott Israel that passed last Thursday evening. The Jewish students took part in an attempt to counter the…
DetailsTorah: Exodus 18:1 – 20:23, “Yitro’ (Jethro …) Haftorah: Isaiah 6:1 – 7:6; 9:5 – 7 Romans 10:9 – 17 Gospel: Matthew 8:5 – 20, “Sar meh’ah” ( a centurion …)
DetailsBy CAROLINE GLICK— On Wednesday, Hamas leader in Gaza Mahmoud Zahar called on Hamas terrorists in Lebanon and Syria to attack Israel “to help us liberate Palestine.” At the same time, Zahar denied that Hamas has been involved in the terrorist insurgency in Egypt. As he put it, “Our guns are always trained on the…