Video: ‘Above and beyond: The birth of the Israeli Air Force’

The only FOUR (4) Airplanes Israel had when the War of Independence (May 1948) began were smuggled from Czech Republic . They were German “Messerschmitt bf-109’s.” They were assembled overnight in Tel Aviv and were never flight tested. This is a short video about their pilots. Watch it. You will not be disappointed.

NGO Monitor: U.S., U.K., Netherlands fund anti-Israel ‘Christ at the Checkpoint’ conference

By SEAN SAVAGE, JNS.ORG— The U.S., U.K., and Dutch governments are helping to fund a conference called “Christ at the Checkpoint,” which attempts to sway Evangelical Christian opinion against Israel and whose themes have anti-Semitic undertones, according to a new report issued by the Jerusalem-based watchdog group NGO Monitor. The report titled “Christ at the…


Poll: Large majority of Israelis don’t trust Kerry on security

By ISRAEL HAYOM— Some 64% of Israelis do not trust U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to take Israel’s security into account as a “crucial factor” in the framework peace proposal he is attempting to formulate, a new poll published on Tuesday found. The monthly Peace Index poll of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel…


The future of Europe

By INNA ROGATCHI, The Rogatchi Foundation – Recently, former Prime-Minister of Luxemburg Jean Claude Juncker who had been selected by the European Central Conservatives as their candidate for the future President of the European Commission after the elections to the European Parliament in May 2014, has made a public statement on what in his…


Israeli Gov’t: Christ at the Checkpoint is problematic

By DAVID LAZARUS, ISRAEL TODAY— Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has issued a last-minute statement suggesting Christians steer clear of the “Christ at the Checkpoint” (CatC) conference that opens tomorrow (Monday) in Palestinian-held Bethlehem. The statement, which came in response to an investigative inquiry by Israel Today, regards the CatC conference as a serious…


Navy fighters unload Iranian weapons ship

By YOAV ZITUN, YNET— The IDF has begun unloading and scanning some 150 containers onboard the Iranian weapons ship Klos C on Saturday evening. Based on past experience in which the Iranians booby-trapped some of their smuggled arms crates, the army is sending elite combat engineering unit Yahalom to examine the ship’s cargo first, so…


Surviving Obama

By CAROLINE GLICK— Bloomberg columnist Jeffrey Goldberg minced few words in discussing the interview that US President Barack Obama gave him on the eve of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s latest visit to Washington. Speaking with journalist Charlie Rose, Goldberg equated Obama’s threat to stop supporting Israel in international forums to the talk of a mafia…


“Significant threat to millions of Israelis” averted

By LEA SPYER, BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS— A Syrian made weapons cache on its way to Gaza from Iran was confiscated Wednesday by IDF forces off international waters between Sudan and Eritrea. According to Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, Israel has diverted disaster by not allowing the weapons cache to fall into the hands of terrorists in…


Ben Shapiro crashes UCLA hearing, anti-Israel divestment fails

By BREITBART— Tuesday night, the UCLA Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) considered a resolution calling for the university to divest from businesses that supposedly “profit from the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.” Braving hundreds of anti-Israel speakers and protesters, Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro, a UCLA alumnus, took the microphone and delivered…


Bullying Israel but bowing to tyrants

By VICTOR SHARPE, ARUTZ 7— It is glaringly obvious that in five short years President Barack Hussein Obama has made U.S. foreign policy a figure of ridicule. This president’s red lines have come and gone and left America’s loyal allies, particularly Israel, deeply dismayed and apprehensive. Enemies have been immensely emboldened as the erstwhile policeman…
