An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake up!

By HEN MAZZIG,  Campus Coordinator for StandWithUs’ — As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I looked forward to my new job educating people in the Pacific Northwest about Israel. I was shocked, however, by the anti-Israel bigotry and hostility I encountered, especially in the greater Seattle…


Israel and the new Munich

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST — The Iranians have given no indication that they would be willing to suspend all uranium enrichment. Speaking to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Wednesday, Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz explained Israel’s concerns about the nuclear negotiations with Iran in Geneva. “We’re worried Geneva 2013 will end up…


How Palestinian hate prevents peace

By YUVAL STEINITZ, NY TIMES— On Sept. 26, the Palestinian Authority’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, told the United Nations General Assembly that the Palestinians “keep reaching out to the Israelis saying: let us work to make the culture of peace reign.” Honorable sentiments, to be sure, but sadly not free of hypocrisy. Just after returning from…


Jews arrested for singing on Temple Mount

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Ten Jewish men were arrested on Monday after they unfurled Israeli flags and sang the Israeli national anthem atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. What could be so wrong about public displays of national pride in one’s own national capital? Unfortunately for these 10 men, all expressions of Jewishness, be they nationalistic…


Iran wants the bomb, and sanctions relief

By REUEL MARC GERECHT and MARK DUBOWITZ, THE WASHINGTON POST— Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is lying when he says the Islamic Republic has never had any intention of building an atomic weapon. Defecting Iranian nuclear engineers told U.S. officials in the late 1980s that the mullahs’ program, then hidden, was designed exclusively for such arms.…


Lessons from the Yom Kippur War

By DANIEL GREENFIELD, FRONTPAGEMAG— Forty years ago, Israel experienced the most devastating war in its modern history. Israel not only suffered its worst casualties during the Yom Kippur War, but actually came close to being destroyed with Defense Minister Moshe Dayan warning that “The Third Temple is falling.” To understand the lessons of the Yom…


Gaza ‘mega tunnel’ uncovered near border kibbutz

By ISRAEL HAYOM— A 2½-kilometer (1½-mile) tunnel running from the Gaza Strip under the border and ending up near the Israeli border kibbutz Ein Hashlosha was uncovered last Thursday, it was released for publication on Sunday. IDF units uncovered the massive tunnel last Thursday, and according to defense officials quoted on Army Radio, it was…


Palestinian aid money ‘disappears’

By ISRAEL TODAY— Over the past four years, the Palestinian Authority has managed to “lose” well nearly $3 billion in financial aid from Europe, according to a report by the European Court of Auditors that was leaked to Britain’s Sunday Times. The news comes just days after Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas publicly blamed Israel for…


Israeli Christians Declare Affinity for Jewish State

By AHUVA BLAOFSKY, BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS — At a recent conference in Jerusalem, leading Israeli Christians gathered to set themselves apart from their Muslim counterparts and declare their affinity for the Jewish state in which they reside.  At the conference, entitled “Israeli Christians: Breaking Free? The advent of an independent Christian voice in Israel,” representatives…
