Scripture reading for October 27, 2012
Torah: Genesis 12:1 — 17:27, “Lech Lecha” (God forth, yourself! …) Haftorah: Isaiah 40:27 — 41:16 New Testament: Romans 4:1 — 25 Gospel: John 8:31 — 41 “Eeem ta’amdu” (If you abide …)
DetailsTorah: Genesis 12:1 — 17:27, “Lech Lecha” (God forth, yourself! …) Haftorah: Isaiah 40:27 — 41:16 New Testament: Romans 4:1 — 25 Gospel: John 8:31 — 41 “Eeem ta’amdu” (If you abide …)
DetailsBy SHELLEY NEESE, JPOST— At 34 years of age, the Martin Luther of 1517 was a little known Augustinian monk plagued by thoughts of his own sins and failings. Luther, in his own words, suffered from an “extremely disturbed conscience.” When his private meditations on the scriptures revealed to him that righteousness was a gift…
DetailsBy PAT HUTCHENS, A rework of Imitation of Messiah by Thomas A. Kempis— Greatly beloved children of mine, highly favored sons and daughters, I will now show you a great mystery. Focus on it. Learn from it. Pay close attention as I show you the difference between nature and grace, because it is very important…
DetailsThink on this: “I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have…
DetailsBy RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself under increasing pressure both for and against adopting a recent study concluding that the Jews have a legal and historical right to resettle Judea and Samaria. Judea and Samaria are, of course, the biblical heartland of ancient Israel, a region central to the…
DetailsBy Caroline Glick– November 5, the day before the US Presidential elections will be the third anniversary of the massacre of 13 US soldiers at Ft. Hood by Islamic terrorist, US Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The Obama administration has refused to acknowledged that the attack was a terrorist attack. The Defense Department has insisted…
DetailsBy ANNIE LUBIN, ARUTZ 7— The people of Gaza rejoiced Thursday, as they commemorated the one year anniversary of what they perceive as a victory — Israel’s freeing of 1,027 prisoners in exchange for the release of captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, held captive by terrorists for five years. As part of the celebration, Hamas’s…
DetailsBy PHILIPE ASSOULINE, TIMES OF ISRAEL— I first met Boshra Khalaila in the Spring of 2010, at the Ministry of Public Diplomacy’s offices in Jerusalem. She was 24 at the time. Like me, she’d been alarmed by the public relations debacle that followed the Gaza flotilla incident and had somehow found her way to the…
Details“It is manifestly right that the scattered Jews should have a national center and a national home and be reunited, and where else but in Palestine, with which for 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated.” –Winston Churchill, 1920
JCPA and Jewish Groups Pull Plug on Longstanding Dialogue After Church Israel Letter Cancelling an interfaith dialogue meeting, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and other Jewish groups have called for a summit with the heads of Jewish organizations that have been engaged in the roundtable and the heads of the Christian denominations that penned…
DetailsBy MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— A little more than a week ago, I ascended the Temple Mount together with a group of more than 50 Jews from Ra’anana’s Ohel Ari synagogue. Needless to say, all of us immersed in a mikva (ritual bath) prior to the trip, refrained from wearing leather shoes, and walked only in…
DetailsBy MARY GRABAR, FRONTPAGEMAG— Will textbook editors rush to include Mitt Romney’s foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute last Monday, as they have with Obama’s speeches and autobiographical writing? It’s very doubtful. Speeches by conservatives and Republican political leaders appear, if at all, as tokens, and are usually surrounded by material that puts…
DetailsWelcome to B’tayavon by Shelley Neese View our expanding list of Israeli recipes In June 2000 I married my college sweetheart. We had a big wedding in Moss Bluff, Louisiana at the church my father pastored for thirty years. Three weeks later—barely getting the “just married” scribble off our car—we packed everything we could in…
DetailsTorah: Genesis 6:9 — 11:32 “Noach” (Noah) Haftorah: Isaiah 54:1 — 55:5 New Testament: I Peter 3:18 — 22 Gospel: John 3:1 — 21 “Nachdimom” (Nicodmus)
DetailsBy NAOMI REGAN,— Dear G: — We have known each other so many years, meeting first through emails that I sent out in support of Israel during that terrible time of senseless terror brought on by the so-called “peace” accords of Oslo. You were a great lover of Israel who fought to bring the…
DetailsBy Rabbi, Bernhard Rosenberg, ISRAPUNDIT — It should serve as a wake up call for all Jews and Christians who express love for America and Israel. To My Fellow Rabbis: I write to you at this time of dire trouble for our country and for Israel. A couple of weeks ago, America was under attack.…
DetailsOne of the least understood, yet most intriguing and stated purposes of Jesus, is this: “to create in himself, one new man.” (Ephesians 2:15) This begs the question: Who is the One New Man that Jesus the Messiah intended to create in himself? How can one recognize him? Is the One New Man Jewish or…