Netanyahu under pressure regarding Israel's biblical heartland

By RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself under increasing pressure both for and against adopting a recent study concluding that the Jews have a legal and historical right to resettle Judea and Samaria. Judea and Samaria are, of course, the biblical heartland of ancient Israel, a region central to the…


Hamas airs film detailing Shalit's kidnapping

By ANNIE LUBIN, ARUTZ 7— The people of Gaza rejoiced Thursday, as they commemorated the one year anniversary of what they perceive as a victory — Israel’s freeing of 1,027 prisoners in exchange for the release of captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, held captive by terrorists for five years. As part of the celebration, Hamas’s…


How Will History Remember Obama's 'Cairo Speech'?

By MARY GRABAR, FRONTPAGEMAG— Will textbook editors rush to include Mitt Romney’s foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute last Monday, as they have with Obama’s speeches and autobiographical writing? It’s very doubtful.  Speeches by conservatives and Republican political leaders appear, if at all, as tokens, and are usually surrounded by material that puts…
