Poll shows deep divisions between Israeli and US Jews on Trump, peace, religion

By AP and TOI— An opinion poll published Sunday shows deep divisions between Israeli and American Jews, particularly in relation to US President Donald Trump, highlighting the growing rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities. The survey by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) showed 77 percent of Israeli Jews approved of the president’s handling…


How Does Israel’s Military Compare to Iran?

By David Brennan, Newsweek-— Relations between Israel and Iran are at breaking point. The multinational nuclear deal signed with Iran is on the verge of collapsing—partly thanks to Israeli lobbying against it. Iranian leaders have warned that if it fails, the country will resume its uranium enrichment program, a step Israel considers a threat to…


‘Jesus Was a Palestinian,’ Christian Visitors to Bethlehem are Told

By Ryan Jones, Israel Today— “Welcome to the State of Palestine. The only state whose land is still under occupation by another country, the State of Israel,” declared Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki (pictured) in his keynote address on the opening night of Christ at the Checkpoint 2018. No mention of Tibet, or that…


US lawmakers push for recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan

By Ariel Kahana, Israel Hayom— An American plan to bring the U.S. closer to recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli was laid out for Israeli and American officials in Washington last week. The six-point plan proposed by a group of American legislators and spearheaded by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) calls to implement trade agreements between…


Liberman Vows Retaliation for Hamas, Islamic Jihad Kite Attacks

By Gill Hoffman, JPost— Israel will retaliate for incendiary kite attacks from the Gaza Strip, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman vowed at Monday’s Yisrael Beytenu faction meeting at the Knesset. Liberman revealed that there have been 600 kite attacks, of which 400 were intercepted with technology. The remaining kites caused 198 fires, burning some 2,500 acres.…


Europe’s About-Face on Israel

By Melanie Phillips, Algemeiner— A strange, startling, and deeply unfamiliar sound was heard this week. A Trump tweet imploding perhaps? Kim Jong-Un finally destroying his nuclear arsenal? A distant rumble from the Hawaii volcano? No. It was the sound of the European Union and United Nations loudly supporting Israel against attack. In the heaviest onslaught…


President Trump about to Make Decision about Jerusalem with Bigger Impact than US Embassy Move

By Avi Abelow, Israel Unwired— Currently, the US Jerusalem consulate is an anti-Israel office that is under the direct control of the State Department and NOT the White House. AP is reporting that this might come to an end. To understand the current, and horrible state, of the US Jerusalem Consulate, listen to what journalist…
