Obama's fatuous statement on terror bombing in Jerusalem

By LEO RENNERT, American Thinker — To fully grasp President Obama’s see-no-Palestinian-evil response to the fatal terror bombing in Jerusalem, it’s worth looking carefully at his official statement.  Here are his comments in full: “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the bombing in Jerusalem today, as well as the rockets and mortars fired from Gaza…


Self-Reflection and Self-Blame; Israel and Obama

BY KENNETH LEVIN, AMERICAN THINKER— Much has been written about President Obama’s reported statement to a Jewish group earlier this month that Israelis should search their souls concerning the quest for peace. In this offensive comment and related remarks, Obama once more put the onus on Israel for the absence of movement towards a resolution…


Mortar fire on Israeli cities boost tension

BY DEBKAFILE— Palestinian missiles, rockets and mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip have rained down on Israeli towns and villages relentlessly for the past ten days. The mayor of the Negev city of Beersheba ordered schools to remain closed Wednesday, March 23, after the second heavy (Iran-supplied) Grad rocket in a month hit a…


Israel first to set up field hospital in Japan

BY JERUSALEM POST STAFF A field hospital Israel is establishing in Japan is the first to be set up by any of the nations offering outside assistance, Israel’s ambassador to Japan, Nissim Ben Shitrit, said Monday, adding that the Japanese were extremely appreciative. Ben Shitrit said the hospital was being established at Minamisanriko, a fishing city…


Video: IDF navy stops weapons ship headed for Hamas

This is a video summary of the incident in which the IDF Navy uncovered on-board the cargo ship “Victoria” weaponry intended for the use of terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. The ship had come from Lattakia, Syria and made a quick stop in Turkey before its final destination to Egypt. According to assessments,…


Erekat: We will seek UN recognition soon

BY AFP— The United Nations will be asked to recognize a Palestinian state with full membership of the world body, a Palestinian official said on Sunday. The decision to go forward with the plan had been made by the Palestinian leadership and it is the “choice of president Mahmoud Abbas,” resigned chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb…


Hamas digging "terror tunnels" along border with Israel

BY EMET REPORT Facing a possible new conflict against Hamas, concern is growing within the IDF regarding increased efforts by Palestinian terrorist groups to dig tunnels under the border that could be used to infiltrate into Israel and perpetrate attacks. According to IDF sources, the number of tunnels has grown in recent years. Hamas is…


Sarah Palin visits Western Wall

BY YOAV ZITUN, YNETNEWS— The 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee and former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, landed in Ben-Gurion airport on Sunday afternoon for her first ever visit to Israel. “As the world confronts sweeping changes and new realities, I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the key issues facing his…


Purim's Message

BY JPOST STAFF— It has been falsely claimed of the late educator Ernst Simon (1899-1988) that he would intentionally avoid celebrating Purim. Uncomfortable with the idea that the Purim miracle included the killing of 75,000 enemies of the Jews, the traditional-minded Israel Prize laureate and co-founder of Brit Shalom purportedly would remain in Jerusalem on…


Christian Palestinianism and the anti-Israel crusade

BY PAUL WILKINSON– For many years we have been concerned about the growing opposition within the Evangelical Church towards the modern state of Israel. This opposition is rooted in an interpretation of the Bible which views the Church as having replaced (or ‘fulfilled’) Israel in God’s prophetic purposes. In recent years this theology of replacement…
