UNESCO Lies About Jerusalem’s Holiness to Jews

By: Lee S. Bender, ZOA— For Jews, the Temple Mount (site of Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple is the holiest place on earth. The adjacent Kotel (the Western Wall) is the second holiest site to Jews. A recent decision by UNESCO (the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization), however, shamefully distorts, deletes and denies…


Defeating Hamas in America

By Caroline Glick— To defeat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, it is first necessary to understand it. The BDS campaign is an extraordinary phenomenon. Activists from US coast to coast robotically parrot the same lies, employ the same tactics of bullying, intimidating and silencing pro-Israel activists and speakers on campus after campus.…


Palestinians Furious After Eurovision Bans Their Flag

By Israel Today Staff, Israel Today— Call it not just a BDS failure, but a total reversal. The official broadcasters of the upcoming Eurovision song contest have banned the audience from waving Palestinian flags, along with the flags of ISIS, Kosovo and the Basque movement. Eurovision is wildly popular across the continent, as well as…


Defeating Hamas in America

By Caroline Glick, Jpost— To defeat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, it is first necessary to understand it. The BDS campaign is an extraordinary phenomenon. Activists from US coast to coast robotically parrot the same lies, employ the same tactics of bullying, intimidating and silencing pro-Israel activists and speakers on campus after…


Anti-Semitism Has a Divine Message for Jews at the End of Days

By: By Rivkah Lambert Adler, Breaking Israel News— UNESCO denies the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. The Arab League, Germany and the US dispute Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights. Reports reveal trends in escalating anti-Semitism worldwide. Breaking Israel News spoke with Rabbi Pinchas Winston about the connection between rising anti-Semitism…



By Abi Lieberman, Front Page Mag— Much has been written about the nefarious motives behind the anti-Semitic Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as well as its primary campus sponsor, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). An exhaustive and authoritative account tracing the movement’s history, its radical roots and maximalist goals was authored by Dan…


The “Two State Solution”: Irony and Truth

By Louis René Beres, GateStone Institute— “The establishment of such a state means the inflow of combat-ready Palestinian forces into Judea and Samaria … In time of war, the frontiers of the Palestinian state will constitute an excellent staging point for mobile forces to mount attacks on infrastructure installations vital for Israel’s existence…” — Shimon…


Bernie Sander’s bigotry of low expectations

By Ron Jager— On the domestic campaign trail, Bernie Sanders has talked repeatedly about economic inequality, a criminal justice system that incarcerates a disproportionate number of black people, and of the need for a political revolution. Sanders portrays the problems of black people as the problem of poor people and those entangled in the criminal…


The Israel–Passover-USA linkage

By Yoram Ettinger, The Ettinger Report— Passover While Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” – partially based on the teachings of Moses, Judge Gideon and Prophet Samuel – cemented the 1776 American Revolution against the British crown, the Passover legacy cemented the Jewish Revolution (against the Egyptian crown), Jewish nationhood and the Jewish state. The Passover legacy contributed…
