Analysis: Republicans may affect US pressure on Israel

by Associated Press/ The Jerusalem Post A big Republican win in November 2 congressional elections could stymie US President Barack Obama’s attempts to reset relations with Russia, but open the way for a new bipartisan toughness toward China. In an election year where international relations have barely produced a blip on the national political radar,…


Why Christian conservatives are Israel's ambassadors

by Jordan Sekulow, Washington Post I am writing this blog on a flight from Washington, DC to Amsterdam. I can hear you now, “Someone from the religious right traveling to Amsterdam? It can’t be – that bastion of European tolerance isn’t a proper destination for a man from the religious right.” To quote Freddy Mercury,…


Ayalon: United front for Israel's name

by Gil Ronen, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon called for the formation of a united front to fight against the vilification of Israel worldwide. Ayalon spoke Thursday at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (JPPPI) conference on the issue of the de-legitimization of the State of Israel and the Jewish People. In a panel…


Why Christian conservatives are Israel’s ambassadors

by Jordan Sekulow, Washington Post I am writing this blog on a flight from Washington, DC to Amsterdam. I can hear you now, “Someone from the religious right traveling to Amsterdam? It can’t be – that bastion of European tolerance isn’t a proper destination for a man from the religious right.” To quote Freddy Mercury,…


Holy Travel: Obadiah, Upper Room, City of David, and more

Obadiah’s Vision The prophets foretold an ultimate victory over Israel’s enemies, recovery of the land that was promised, and a final ingathering of the children of Abraham. The prophet Obadiah, however, is given a very specific vision providing remarkable detail about where exactly in Israel one specific group of exiles will assemble. Faith Lessons: Upper…


Facebook outs Palestinian radicalism

by Israel Today Since Western leaders regularly ignore everything printed in the Arabic press and sidestep the contradictions presented by Arab opinion polls, researchers for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) decided to go to a source no one today ignores, social media, to find out what the Palestinians are really thinking. Western media…


Why The West Presses Israel

by David Isaac, Shmuel Katz Blog “here is good reason why the Israeli government should heed Defense Minister Barak’s advice and extend a settlement freeze. If nothing else, a freeze would prove that the obstacle to Middle East agreement isn’t the settlements … but the more basic refusal of the Palestinian leadership to accept the legitimacy…


Israel and Congressional Democrats

by Daniel Pipes, How should American voters concerned with Israel’s welfare and security vote in the U.S. Congressional elections on Nov. 2? This much is clear after almost two years of Democratic control over the executive and legislative branches of government: Democrats consistently support Israel and its government far less than do Republicans. Leaving…


Fatah official says two state solution is over

by Khaled Abu Toameh and Herb Keinon, JPost The Palestinian Authority has concluded that the peace process based on a two-state solution has failed, a senior Fatah official said on Tuesday. His statement came as PA officials repeated their rejection of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s proposal to extend the settlement construction moratorium if the Palestinian…
