Stuxnet: Fact vs. theory

by Elinor Mills, The Stuxnet worm has taken the computer security world by storm, inspiring talk of a top secret, government-sponsored cyberwar, and of a software program laden with obscure biblical references that call to mind not computer code, but “The Da Vinci Code.” Stuxnet, which first made headlines in July, (CNET FAQ here)…

One that calls for a response

Elinor Mills of CNET News said: The Stuxnet worm has taken the computer security world by storm, inspiring talk of a top secret, government-sponsored cyberwar, and of a software program laden with obscure biblical references that call to mind not computer code, but “The Da Vinci Code.” … Stuxnet a “precision guided cybermunition” and criminals…

New Israel tourism iphone App

by Hillel Fendel, Arutz 7 Israel’s Tourism Ministry has launched a country-wide iPhone tourism application, providing immediate and updated information on sites, tours, accommodation and events in Israel. The new app, called iSrael, will find the user’s location and allow him or her to receive the relevant information, both in the immediate vicinity and in…