Who Are We?

The Jerusalem Connection, International is a 501 (c)-(3) non-profit organization whose mission is:

To glorify the name of Yahweh.

 Psalm 34:3

To serve as advocates for Christian Zionism.

Amos 9:14-15

To inform, educate and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Gen. 12:3

“For Zion’s sake we will not keep Silent.”

Isa. 62:1

We define Christian Zionism as the support of the modern State of Israel as a partial fulfillment of God’s covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people, in anticipation of their ultimate redemption when Messiah comes.

In this time of growing international anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Semitic action in churches, governments and academia, we stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people by:

  • Confirming the present validity of God’s covenant to Israel. (Gen. 17:7-8)
  • Championing Aliyah – the re-gathering of the Jews to Israel. (Isa. 49:22)
  • Confronting Anti-Semitism. (Psalm 83:1-4, 18)
  • Countering Replacement Theology/Supersessionism. (Rom. 9:4; 11:1-2)
  • Contending for God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people. (Jer. 32:40-41)
  • Comforting the Jewish people and Israel thru ministries of mercy. (Isa. 40:1-2)
  • Connecting with the Hebraic roots of Christianity. (John 4:22)

Meet the Team

Our Vision

“To show mercy because of mercy received”

The Jerusalem Connection stays current in speaking to all the issues of the day involving the Middle East and Israel. We believe that a Christian perspective on what God is doing in Israel can be a vital key into seeing the big picture of God’s plan and how He is operating in the world today. Not only that, but to see what God is doing in Israel, brings a sense of urgency and reality to the Church to be used of God as never before. 

We keep our friends and supporters informed through our twice weekly email newsletters and our Youtube channel. Every week Amy Zewe produces a Red Alert with the latest information regarding the fight against BDS and the rise of antisemitism worldwide. Shelley Neese provides a weekly eNews, providing commentary on what is on TJCI’s front burner. We also add regular content to our blog and social media. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube channel. In addition, we are actively involved with speaking engagements, events/conferences, and publishing. Shelley’s book The Copper Scroll Project was released in 2018 and Amy’s collaborative book The Casualty of Contempt was released 2021. Located in our nation’s capital, we stay involved in advocacy before Congress regarding legislation that impacts Israel. 

The Jerusalem Connection gives its partners an opportunity to demonstrate their support through involvement in our many humanitarian and advocacy projects in Israel and the U.S.

Through our Operation Aliyah project, we have been a part in helping 80,000 Jews home to Israel from the former Soviet Union. From 2005 to 2014, we focused on the Sephardic Anusim (Hispanic Jews) in the Americas. With the rise of antisemitism in both Ukraine and France, we have spent the last seven years focusing on getting Jewish families out of these unstable enviroments. 

Through Operation Life, we have been actively supportive of the pro-life movement in Israel. Be’ad Chaim, Israel’s Pro-Life organization is near and dear to us because of the godly principles it stands for and the personal helping hands it gives to preserve precious human lives. Be’ad Chaim provides tangible, loving, material, and help mothers in crisis to keep their babies and give them life. 

Archaeological digs, like what is happening at ancient Shiloh this summer, are on the cutting edge of presenting hard evidence of Biblical accounts. Your donations to that cause are precious and valuable. Please contact Shelley Neese (SRN@tjci.org) if interested in being involved yourself in that excavation! All ages are welcome.

Jerusalem Connection has begun a scholarship program to help fund Christian college students to study in Israel at Hebrew University. Also, The Jerusalem Connection is developing partnerships with college and young-adult ministries working on both secular and Christian college campuses and within the young professional communities to continue to combat antisemitism and the BDS movement. We have started a designated fund in honor of Jim and Pat Hutchens called the Holocaust Education Fund. This fund allowed us to design and print 3,000 of The Auschwitz Album Revisited booklets, and now we are using the funds to partner with Violins of Hope and their series of concerts in South Carolina to further Holocaust education through the arts. 

We hope you can join us through any of these ministries that touch your heart and passion for Israel and the Jewish people.

Shelley Neese
President, The Jerusalem Connection

Our Mandate

“Discerning the Signs of the Times”

Matthew 16:3

We are bold to believe that our ministry carries on the legacy of “The men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” (I Chron. 12:32).God has declared, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7).

I. To proclaim God’s restoration purposes for Christians and Jews. The time when God restores all things through the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah who came once “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10) and will return to “restore all things” (Acts 3:21). We are “waiting for the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”(Titus 2:13).

For Christians, a restoration of:

  • The “Blessed Hope” of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Titus 2:13)
  • The continuing validity of the covenant promises of God to the Jews.(II Cor. 1:20).
  • The recognition that Christians have not superseded or replaced Jews in God’s covenants.(Rom. 11:1, 18, 26)

For Jews, a restoration of:

  • The State of Israel as a fulfillment of God’s covenant promises.(Isa. 66:8)
  • The mandate for the re-gathering of Jews to their covenant homeland.(Isa 43:5-7)

II. To urge support for Israel and the Jewish people through prayer and action, according to the will and Word of God.

  • By encouraging support of Israel-focused projects, e.g., Operation Aliyah, The Elisha Fund and Operation Life for Israel.(Romans 11:31)
  • By encouraging “Aliyah” among the Jewish people.(II Chronicles 36:23)
  • By calling for repentance for sins against the Jewish people.(Romans 2:5-6)
  • By promoting an appreciation of the Hebrew roots of Christianity. (Romans 11:18)
  • By investing in the next generation of Christian pastors and leaders through scholarships to Hebrew University.
  • By educating young people on the history of the Holocaust.


Please contact us for more information on how you can help!

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